Proverbs around the world
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Top proverbs
If you forgive the fox for stealing your chickens, he will take your sheep.
Georgian Proverb
Bad is never good until worse happens.
Danish Proverb
One hour of justice is worth seventy hours of prayer.
Turkish Proverb
I have no right to rejoice at the death of my enemy when I do not have eternal life myself.
Persian Proverb
Maturity comes from wisdom, not in the passing of years.
Persian Proverb
When the snake is old, the frog will tease him.
Persian Proverb
The law is made for the rich, but punishment is for the poor.
Armenian Proverb
Beware of the anger of a patient man.
Irish Proverb
An old enemy never becomes a friend.
Turkish Proverb
A polite devil is more agreeable than a rude saint.
Lebanese Proverb
A man without a woman is only half a man.
Hindi Proverb
Say nothing about another that you wouldn't want to hear about yourself.
Salvadoran Proverb
If you scatter thorns, don't go barefoot.
Italian Proverb
Tree would bend when it bears fruit.
Azerbaijani Proverb
A good horse has many faults; a bad one has hardly any.
Croatian Proverb
If you are a sheep, there will always be wolves.
Bulgarian Proverb
Nothing fades as quickly as gratitude...
French Proverb
A bad wound will heal, but a bad word will not be forgotten.
Bulgarian Proverb
Thinking well is wise; planning well, wiser; but doing well is the wisest and best of all.
Persian Proverb
He who doesn't go to war roars like a lion.
Persian Proverb
When a mouse makes fun of a cat, there is a hole nearby.
Lebanese Proverb
A crow will never be a dove.
Bulgarian Proverb