Proverbs around the world
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Eve Proverbs
He who would enjoy the feast should fast on the eve.
Italian Proverb
A fast day is the eve of a feast day.
Spanish Proverb
A day of fasting is the eve of a feast.
Spanish Proverb
The snake that seduced Eve spoke Spanish.
Spanish Proverb
Plan your life at New Year's eve, your day at dawn.
Japanese Proverb
When Adam delved, and Eve span, where was then the gentleman?
English Proverb
Adam got a hoe, and Eve got a spinning-wheel, and thence come all our nobles.
Danish Proverb
A tear bedews my Delia's eye, From morn till dewy eve; But if you ask the reason why, She can't tell, I believe.
German Proverb
Adam must have an Eve, to blame for his own faults.
German Proverb
When adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?
Romanian Proverb