Proverbs around the world
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Shelter Proverbs
People live in each other's shelter.
Irish Proverb
You need not find a shelter for an old ox.
Portuguese Proverb
Sometimes the rain might force a man more than once to seek shelter under the same tree.
Nigerian Proverb
Everyone loves the tree that gives him shelter.
Russian Proverb
Because he killed his wife he took shelter with his in-laws.
Ethiopian Proverb
Words are like the spider's web: a shelter for the clever ones and a trap for the not-so-clever.
Madagascan Proverb
During a storm you do not take shelter under just one roofing tile.
Bayansi Proverb
During a storm you seek shelter under a tree and not the clouds.
Bayansi Proverb
During a storm you seek shelter under a tree and not the clouds.
African Proverb
In the shelter of each other, the people live.
Galician Proverb
No need to seek shelter for an old ox.
Spanish Proverb
God is poor's shelter and money of the rich.
Finnish Proverb
An old ox will find a shelter for himself.
English Proverb