Proverbs around the world
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Bowl Proverbs
A teacher is someone who ploughs with his tongue to fill his little bowl with rice.
Chinese Proverb
Under his bowl there is a little bowl.
Afghan Proverb
Don't let children or pups get accustomed to your soup bowl.
Corsican Proverb
If you laugh at the bowl, you laugh at the potter.
Ganda Proverb
Life is just a bowl of cherries.
Traditional Proverb
Better than a banquet somewhere else is a good cup of tea and a bowl of rice at home.
Japanese Proverb
A bowl should not laugh when a calabash breaks.
African Proverb
A mouse does not share a bowl with a cat.
African Proverb
More are drowned in the bowl than in the sea.
German Proverb
Love is far better than the poi dish or the fish bowl.
Hawaiian Proverb
He who is waiting for someone else's bowl often dines late.
French Proverb
What starts with a needle usually ends with a silver bowl.
Swedish Proverb
Before you study Zen, a bowl is a bowl and tea is tea. While you are studying Zen, a bowl is no longer a bowl and tea is no longer tea. After you've studied Zen, a bowl is again a bowl and tea is tea.
Zen Proverb
Eat to see the bowl, go to see the way.
Vietnamese Proverb