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Blacksmith Proverbs
The blacksmith in one village becomes a blacksmith's apprentice in another.
Ghana Proverb
The locksmith is the guilty one, but the blacksmith hangs.
Polish Proverb
If you talk to the blacksmith you'll get hit by sparks.
Kurdish Proverb
No one is a blacksmith when they are born.
Finnish Proverb
If the metal is not good, you cannot take it out on the blacksmith.
Ekonda Proverb
A blacksmith has no need of an axe.
African Proverb
Everyone is the blacksmith of his own fortune.
Hungarian Proverb
One blacksmith envies another.
Hungarian Proverb
A piece of iron can only become what the blacksmith says it should become.
Nigerian Proverb
From where gets the blacksmith the knife?
Finnish Proverb
Black miller and white blacksmith are shocking in front of the God.
Finnish Proverb
Close to a blacksmith, learn to hammer out nails; close to a carpenter, learn how to use a saw.
Chinese Proverb
Everyone's the blacksmith of their own fate.
Hungarian Proverb
Everyone's the blacksmith of their own fate...Mindenki a maga szerencséjének kovácsa.
Hungarian Proverb