Proverbs around the world
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Clay Proverbs
A clay pot of water is never hot-tempered.
Nigerian Proverb
We are all made of the same clay, but not from the same mold.
Mexican Proverb
Gold like the sun melts wax and hardens clay.
Namibian Proverb
If you have no teeth, do not break the clay cooking pot.
Zambian Proverb
Work the clay while it is still wet.
Swahili Proverb
Clay and lime conceal much evil.
Spanish Proverb
A pot trader whose fortunes are all invested in her clay pots isn't much of a merchant.
Ibo Proverb
The same sun that melts the wax hardens the clay.
African Proverb
He fights with horns made of clay.
Arabic Proverb
The potter sleeps soundly, for no one would steal clay.
Hindi Proverb
They prevent us from getting red clay from the pit, and they do not use it.
Xhosa Proverb
The same heat that melts wax, bakes clay.
French Proverb
If you have no teeth, do not break the clay cooking pot.
Zanzibar Proverb
If you have no teeth, do not break to clay cooking pot.
African Proverb
Candlemas day, put beans in the clay; put candles and candlesticks away.
Jewish Proverb