Proverbs around the world
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Advise Proverbs
The fly that has no one to advise it follows the corpse into the grave.
Nigerian Proverb
Advise no one to go to war or to marry.
Spanish Proverb
A river doesn't run straight because there was nobody to advise it.
African Proverb
Monkeys don't advise there young ones to be careful on trees they just remind them of the distance to the ground.
African Proverb
Advise none to marry or go to war.
English Proverb
Though old and wise, yet still advise.
English Proverb
Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry.
Danish Proverb
To advise is easier than to help.
German Proverb
To advise is not to compel.
German Proverb
Give me good advice but don't advise me not to do it.
Jewish Proverb
When things go well it is easy to advise.
Dutch Proverb
Never advise a man to go to the wars, or to marry.
Spanish Proverb
Never advise someone to go to war or to get married.
Spanish Proverb
Never advise anyone to go to war or to get married. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present. He that has no children brings them up well.
Spanish Proverb
It is easy to advise the wise.
Serbian Proverb
Advise and counsel him; if he does not listen, let adversity teach him.
Ethiopian Proverb