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Beating Proverbs
You cannot separate water by beating it with a fork.
Hindi Proverb
A fool's lips bring him strife and invite a beating.
Moroccan Proverb
Beating the dead is a sin.
Arabic Proverb
A child who fears beating, would never admit that he played with a missing knife.
Nigerian Proverb
Stock-fish are made tender by much beating.
Dutch Proverb
The first camel in the train holds everyone up, but it is the last which gets the beating.
Ethiopian Proverb
The flea sinned, the reed-mat got the beating.
Kashmir Proverb
Beating drums is fun, but also tiring.
Bangala Proverb
A bride received into the home is like a horse that you have just bought; you break her in by constantly mounting her and continually beating her.
Chinese Proverb
That which is about to die doesn't hear the drum beating.
African Proverb
There are three things from which no good can be got without a beating: a walnut-tree, a donkey, and a shrew.
Danish Proverb
Remorse is worse than a beating.
Greek Proverb
Sparrows cannot be caught by beating a drum.
Hungarian Proverb
You may as well give a good beating as a bad one.
French Proverb
By beating love decays.
French Proverb
The threatener sometimes gets a beating.
French Proverb
After beating milk, butter is obtained.
Burkina Faso Proverb