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Dung Proverbs
Although he who walks behind an elephant may feel very secure, he is likely to get splattered with elephant dung.
Lao Proverb
If someone transports dung and does not eat it, it should not be concluded that he is an honest person.
Taiwanese Proverb
A fruit tree that grows in a dung heap will certainly blossom.
Zanzibar Proverb
Why drive away fowls from the dung you do not eat yourself?.
Swahili Proverb
When kitchen dresser tumble dung, maaga dog laugh.
Jamaican Proverb
Every cock is proud on his own dung hill.
Spanish Proverb
Cow dung can't be gathered where no cow has been.
Ethiopian Proverb
A particle of goat dung cannot be eaten by a large gourd.
Maasai Proverb
Learning Zen is a phenomenon of gold and dung. Before you understand it, it's like gold; after you understand it, it's like dung.
Zen Proverb
Wealth is but dung, useful only when spread about.
Chinese Proverb
A fool looks for dung where the cow never browsed.
African Proverb
Don't mistake chicken dung for an egg.
American Proverb
An elephant has enormous dung -- don't try to defecate like an elephant. Don't try to wipe someone else's ass if yours is unwiped.
Tibetan Proverb
As fair greits the bairn that is dung after noon, as he that is dung before noon.
Scottish Proverb
He is fairest dung when his own wand dings him.
Scottish Proverb
It is a fair feild where all are dung down.
Scottish Proverb
Life is a dung pie from which you take a bite every day.
French Proverb
Dung is no saint, but where it falls it works miracles.
Spanish Proverb
Handsome cats and fat dung heaps are the sign of a good farmer.
French Proverb