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Sorry Proverbs
It's better to be sorry and stay, than to be sorry and go away.
Irish Proverb
Calm seas make sorry sailors.
Mexican Proverb
Better to be safe than sorry.
American Proverb
It is a sorry flock where the ewe bears the bell.
English Proverb
Praise borrowed from ancestors is but very sorry praise.
Danish Proverb
Better be sure than sorry.
Irish Proverb
The thief is sorry he is to be hanged, not that he is a thief.
Irish Proverb
He that feels sorry for the shoe, loses the horse.
Bulgarian Proverb
He who serves the public has a sorry master.
Italian Proverb
The prettiest of shoes makes a sorry hat.
Japanese Proverb
A rich man is happy while he is alive but sorry when he dies.
American Proverb
It is better to be safe than sorry.
American Proverb
He that marries for love has good nights, but sorry days.
German Proverb
It is a sorry house where the hens crow and the cock is silent.
Italian Proverb
He is a sorry barber who has but one comb.
Italian Proverb
You'd better have one hundred who envy you than one who is sorry for you.
Hungarian Proverb
'Tis a sorry ass that will not bear his own burden.
Romanian Proverb
When the summer is winter, and the winter is summer, it is a sorry year.
Spanish Proverb
Better safe than sorry.
Canadian Proverb
A rich man is happy while he is alive but sorry when he dies.
Albanian Proverb
Better safe than sorry.
Arabic Proverb
Woe to him who fails in his obligations. • He is a sorry wretch who fails to keep his bonds.
Irish Proverb