Proverbs around the world
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Story Proverbs
Every story has two sides and every song has twelve versions.
Icelandic Proverb
Who came back from the grave and told the story?
Tunisian Proverb
Until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
Zimbabwe Proverb
Behind every sweaty face of a cattle rustler is a story of determination and courage.
African Proverb
There are two sides to every story -- and then there's the truth.
American Proverb
One story is good till another is told.
German Proverb
One man's story is no story; hear both sides.
German Proverb
A story without an author is not worth listening to.
Irish Proverb
Time is a great story teller.
Irish Proverb
He who comes with a story to you brings two away from you.
Irish Proverb
The person who brings a story to you will take away two from you.
Irish Proverb
There are two telling to every story.
Irish Proverb
Every story can be told in different ways.
Greek Proverb
If it's not true, it's a good story.
Italian Proverb
A story is only half told if there is only one side presented.
Icelandic Proverb
Tell your own story first.
Spanish Proverb
Never tell your story to a deaf man.
Traditional Proverb
The world is story.
African Proverb
If you want to know how the true story goes, wait till the arguments start.
African Proverb
What a story these old walls could tell.
American Proverb
High houses are mostly empty in the upper story.
German Proverb
Time is a good story teller.
Irish Proverb