Proverbs around the world
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Mine Proverbs
When I think of the others's misfortunes, I forget mine.
Algerian Proverb
Better mine than ours.
Portuguese Proverb
Eat of your own, and call yourself mine.
Portuguese Proverb
He is no friend that eats his own by himself, and mine with me.
Portuguese Proverb
Better is my neighbour's hen than mine.
Portuguese Proverb
What I believe in is all that is mine.
Polish Proverb
When your devil was born, mine was going to school.
Italian Proverb
Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.
Italian Proverb
You're correct, but the goat is mine.
Corsican Proverb
Do not rejoice at my grief, for when mine is old yours will be new.
Spanish Proverb
Go in God's name, for he takes a loaf of mine.
Spanish Proverb
Ours is ours, but mine is mine.
Ibo Proverb
You pay attention to your fek'lhr and I will pay attention to mine.
Klingon Proverb
True love means what's mine is yours.
African Proverb
He who is no friend to the good cause is no friend of mine.
American Proverb
When ye ca' the dog out o' your ain kail-yaird, dinna ca't into mine.
English Proverb
What bird so white as mine? says the crow.
German Proverb
The headache is mine and the cows are ours.
Portuguese Proverb
I know by mine own pot how others boil.
French Proverb
I'm not me, and [this] horse isn't mine (, and I'm not a cabman)
Russian Proverb
My neighbour's goat gives more milk than mine.
Spanish Proverb
That country will I call mine which supports me, not that which gave me birth.
Latin Proverb