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Cunning Proverbs
The fox will catch you with cunning, and the wolf with courage.
Albanian Proverb
Cunning men deal in generalizations.
American Proverb
The devil is cunning.
Arabic Proverb
Poverty is cunning; it catches even a fox.
German Proverb
Cunning surpasses strength.
German Proverb
Cunning men's cloaks sometimes fall.
Italian Proverb
The fox can lose his fur but not his cunning.
Corsican Proverb
It needs a cunning hand to shave a fool's head.
Dutch Proverb
The fox may lose his hair, but not his cunning.
Dutch Proverb
Even if you are cunning, you will not tie water up in a bale of grass.
Lamba Proverb
Even if you are cunning, you will not tie water up in a bale of grass.
Bantu Proverb
Cunning comes to an end, what remains is folly.
Bantu Proverb
Never does a woman lie in a more cunning way than when she tells the truth to someone who doesn't believe her.
Chinese Proverb
Cunning is the ape of wisdom.
American Proverb
Fraud and cunning are the weapons of the weak.
American Proverb
Often, under the unseeing hide the cunning.
Arabic Proverb
There's cunning in a pointed chin.
German Proverb
The cunning wife makes her husband her apron.
Romanian Proverb
A cunning man likes the company of a fool.
Kikuyu Proverb
The most cunning are the first caught.
French Proverb
Cunning is superior to strength.
Bahamian Proverb
The fox loves cunning, the wolf covets the lamb, and a woman longs for praise.
Latin Proverb