Proverbs around the world
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Lets Proverbs
Laws catch flies but lets hornets go free.
English Proverb
He who lets the goat be laid on his shoulders is soon after forced to carry the cow.
Italian Proverb
He who hunts two hares does not catch the one and lets the other escape.
Italian Proverb
A soldier on furlough lets his shirt hang out of his trousers.
Russian Proverb
The brave one lives as long as the cowards lets him.
Mexican Proverb
Whoever lets himself be led by the heart will never lose his way.
Egyptian Proverb
God lets things go - but only to a point.
Swiss Proverb
If heaven above lets fall a plum, open your mouth.
Chinese Proverb
He who grasps too much lets much fall.
German Proverb
He takes from one ear, and lets it out from the other ear.
Persian Proverb
A dog in the manger, that neither eats nor lets others eat.
Portuguese Proverb
The gardener's dog neither eats greens not lets any one else eat them.
Portuguese Proverb
He who does not fart lets out silent ones.
Maltese Proverb
Who cheats is a dog, who lets himself be cheated is an ass.
Estonian Proverb
A man who gets, a bitch who lets.
Estonian Proverb
A man who lets his problems get the better of him is like a man who divorces his wife the first time she makes him angry.
Madagascan Proverb
The net of heaven is large and wide, but it lets nothing through.
Chinese Proverb
An open gate lets stock out.
American Proverb
Like the gardener's dog, that neither eats cabbages himself, nor lets anybody else.
Romanian Proverb
Prosperity lets go the bridle.
Romanian Proverb
The eye lets in love.
Romanian Proverb
He is blind that eats his marrow, but far blinder that lets him.
Scottish Proverb