Proverbs around the world
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Beyond Proverbs
Most adults are attentive to what someone is doing, but children see beyond that.
Hindi Proverb
Do not allow sins to get beyond creeping.
Hawaiian Proverb
Without danger we cannot get beyond danger.
English Proverb
There are three creatures beyond ruling – a mule, a pig and a woman.
Irish Proverb
Don't rest your eyes beyond what is your own.
Irish Proverb
Beyond mountains, there are more mountains.
Haitian Proverb
Someone who expect to become someone that beyond him.
Indonesian Proverb
Attempt nothing beyond your strength.
Latin Proverb
A person born to be a flower pot will not go beyond the porch.
Mexican Proverb
To go beyond is as bad as to fall short.
Chinese Proverb
Going beyond is as bad as falling short.
Chinese Proverb
Gold has its price; learning is beyond price.
Chinese Proverb
There are many who prefer to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.
American Proverb
A person born to be a flower pot will not go beyond the porch.
Irish Proverb
Cobbler, do not go beyond the last.
Hungarian Proverb
Fear may force a man to cast beyond the moon.
Swedish Proverb
Beyond the mountain is another mountain.
Haitian Proverb
Strain not your bow beyond its bent, lest it break.
Dutch Proverb
Envy goes beyond avarice.
French Proverb
My sister's son is a kinsman beyond dispute.
Spanish Proverb
Who aims at things beyond his reach, the greater will be his fall.
Latin Proverb
The cobbler should not go beyond his last.
Latin Proverb