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Weeds Proverbs
Weeds never perish.
Belgian Proverb
Go often to the house of thy friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path.
Scandinavian Proverb
Woo the widow whilst she is in weeds.
German Proverb
Weeds never die.
German Proverb
A man of words and not deeds, Is like a garden full of weeds.
Italian Proverb
Criticizing another's garden doesn't keep the weeds out of your own.
Italian Proverb
The frost hurts not weeds.
Dutch Proverb
A lot of weeds will grow in a stagnant pond.
Spanish Proverb
Heaps of good cotton stocks get chopped up from association with the weeds.
African American Proverb
A mans greatest shortcoming is that he neglects his own field and weeds that of others.
Chinese Proverb
The corn is not choked by the weeds but by the negligence of the farmer.
Chinese Proverb
Don't water your friend's garden when yours is full of weeds.
African Proverb
A good garden always has weeds.
American Proverb
No garden without its weeds.
American Proverb
No garden without its weeds.
English Proverb
For the sake of the flowers, the weeds are watered.
Arabic Proverb
Weeds want no sowing.
German Proverb
If you let the weeds grow for a year you will need seven to clear them.
German Proverb
Your own wealth is flowers and wine; the other man's is but weeds.
Hindi Proverb
One who wants to keep their yard tidy does not reserve a plot for the weeds.
Italian Proverb
Ill weeds grow apace.
Italian Proverb
On fat land grow foulest weeds.
Romanian Proverb