Proverbs around the world
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Paradise Proverbs
A man's will can be his paradise, but it can also be his hell.
Icelandic Proverb
Taking the first step with the good thought, the second with the good word, and the third with the good deed, I enter paradise.
Persian Proverb
One would not be alone in Paradise.
Italian Proverb
Self exaltation is the fool's paradise.
Italian Proverb
Even in paradise it is no fun to be alone.
Romanian Proverb
Without other people's companionship, even paradise would be an unlikable place.
Romanian Proverb
Who doesn't approach with disbelief, won't see the face of paradise.
Sicilian Proverb
Living mindlessly is paradise.
Russian Proverb
With a piece of bread in your hand you'll find paradise under a pine tree.
Russian Proverb
Patience is the key to paradise.
Algerian Proverb
Even in paradise, living all alone would be hell.
Seneca Proverb
A beautiful funeral does not necessarily lead to paradise.
Creole Proverb
Even paradise is no fun without people.
Styrian Proverb
He who crosses a bridge to paradise and blows it after him is going to hell.
African Proverb
Patience is the key to paradise.
Albanian Proverb
Home is the father's kingdom, the children's paradise, the mother's world.
American Proverb
It is better to sit with a wise man in prison than with a fool in paradise.
American Proverb
Without the companionship even paradise would be boring.
Arabic Proverb
Paradise without people is not worth living in..
Arabic Proverb
The devil seduced Eve in Italian. Eve mislead Adam in Bohemian. The Lord scolded them both in German. Then the angel drove them from paradise in Hungarian.
Polish Proverb
One can't enter Paradise in spite of the saints.
Italian Proverb
He that will enter into paradise must have a good key.
Romanian Proverb