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Destiny Proverbs - page 2
New day -- new destiny.
Bulgarian Proverb
New day - new destiny.
Bulgarian Proverb
As people go their own way, destiny goes with them.
Hindi Proverb
You often meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it.
French Proverb
One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it.
French Proverb
Let me tell you about my fate: it is an insult. Let me explain it to you: it is a disgrace. Were I to tell my neighbour about my fate, he would heap insults upon me. I looked into the water. My destiny was drifting past. I was born on an ill-fated day.
Sumerian Proverb
If destiny does not fit you, fit yourself to destiny.
Jordanian Proverb
It is Austria's destiny to rule the world.
Lower Austria Proverb
Destiny leads the willing but drags the unwilling.
Albanian Proverb
Resignation is fitting for destiny.
Turkish Proverb