Proverbs around the world
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Returns Proverbs
One always returns to one's first love.
French Proverb
A good deed is something one returns.
Guinea Proverb
The cock goes to town for only four days and returns home a peacock.
Hindi Proverb
Honour once lost never returns.
Dutch Proverb
The dog returns to its vomit.
German Proverb
What is loaned goes away smiling but returns weeping.
Kurdish Proverb
This basket that leaves and returns unfilled is not nice.
Corsican Proverb
Share riches and poverty returns.
Corsican Proverb
He who leaves and then returns, had a good trip.
Corsican Proverb
Whoever goes to Palermo and doesn't see Monreale, goes there a jackass and returns a fool.
Sicilian Proverb
Time past never returns.
Dutch Proverb
The tongue always returns to the sore tooth.
Russian Proverb
When a good offer comes for your daughter, don't wait till her father returns from market.
Spanish Proverb
Who asks at once for a lot, returns home with an empty bag.
Yugoslav Proverb
Who guards two termite hills, returns empty handed.
Bahaya Proverb
As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.
Biblical Proverb
A fallen blossom never returns to the branch.
Japanese Proverb
Drinks down your sorrow, but your sorrow returns the morning after.
Chinese Proverb
When the hunter returns and is holding mushrooms, don't ask him about how his hunt went.
African Proverb
If a man returns from a long journey and no one says welcome back to him he feels like one who has not arrived.
African Proverb
A good deed is something one returns.
African Proverb
A neglected duty may returns tomorrow with seven others at its back.
American Proverb