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Pocket Proverbs - page 2
The quickest way to double yur money is to fold it over and put back it in yur pocket.
American Proverb
A book is a garden carried in the pocket.
Arabic Proverb
The devil dances in an empty pocket.
German Proverb
Praise without profit puts little in the pocket.
Irish Proverb
With gold in your pocket you are wise, you are handsome, and you dance well too.
Polish Proverb
A piece of bread in the pocket is better than a feather in the hat.
Swedish Proverb
A piece of bread in your pocket is better than a feather in your hat.
Swedish Proverb
The heaviest thing in the world is an empty pocket.
Yiddish Proverb
The longest road is the one that leads to your pocket.
Yiddish Proverb
The reserve doesn't weight your pocket.
Russian Proverb
Who wants yoghurt in winter must carry a cow in his pocket.
Turkish Proverb
Handy as a pocket on a shirt.
Traditional Proverb
Success is a ladder which cannot be climbed with hands in your pocket.
African Proverb
His money burns a hole in his pocket.
English Proverb
The heaviest burden is an empty pocket.
Jewish Proverb
His pocket knife opens in my pocket.
Hungarian Proverb
Shrouds have no pocket.
Romanian Proverb