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Feels Proverbs - page 2
A guilty conscience feels continual fear.
Chinese Proverb
If a man returns from a long journey and no one says welcome back to him he feels like one who has not arrived.
African Proverb
Only the person who wears the shoe feels it when it pitches.
African Proverb
A satisfied person does not know what a hungry one feels.
African Proverb
He who feels it, knows it.
African Proverb
No man is angry that feels not himself hurt.
English Proverb
He who feels himself scabby, let him scratch.
Danish Proverb
Pride feels no pain.
Irish Proverb
If the glacier perceives a headless army is clumsy, it feels a sort of emphatic guilt, I dare say.
Norwegian Proverb
Who suffers because of love, feels no pain.
Sicilian Proverb
A woman is like a cat: the more you pet her the better she feels.
Sicilian Proverb
A dead mouse feels no cold.
French Proverb
Who hears music feels his solitude.
French Proverb
Every one feels his own burden heavy.
French Proverb
Let him who feels he has a dirty nose wipe it.
French Proverb
Only the victim feels really the pain.
Algerian Proverb
A guilty conscience feels continual fear.
Romanian Proverb