Proverbs around the world
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Top proverbs
Rule Proverbs
The exception proves the rule.
English Proverb
If you cannot serve, you cannot rule.
Bulgarian Proverb
Divide and rule.
Latin Proverb
Every rule has its exception.
English Proverb
Where two women rule a hearth-fire, the thatch may burn with the sparks flying.
Darkovan Proverb
Those that rule must hear and be deaf, must see and be blind.
German Proverb
He who would rule must hear and be deaf, see and be blind.
German Proverb
The king cannot always rule as he wishes.
German Proverb
Two things rule the world -- reward and punishment.
Bosnian Proverb
To rule the mountains is to rule the river.
French Proverb
Better rule in hell, than serve in heaven.
Spanish Proverb
A rule isn't unfair if it applies to everyone.
Spanish Proverb
"No rule without exception.”.
Latin Proverb
There exists no rule without exceptions.
Portuguese Proverb
Those who tell the stories, rule the people.
Native American Proverb
Rule: Never perform card tricks for the people you play poker with.
Traditional Proverb
Where there is a herd without a bull, a castrated ox will rule.
Boran Proverb
Rule the roost.
Chinese Proverb
There is an exception to every rule.
English Proverb
Divide and rule.
German Proverb
There is an exception to every rule.
German Proverb
Rule youth well, and eild will rule it fell.
Scottish Proverb