Proverbs around the world
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Noise Proverbs
The stars make no noise.
Irish Proverb
Pigs in the cold and men in drink make a great noise.
Portuguese Proverb
Clapping with the right hand only will not produce a noise.
Malay Proverb
It's the empty can that makes the most noise.
English Proverb
A poor man's debt makes a great noise.
English Proverb
Empty barrels and insignificant people always make the most noise.
Greek Proverb
Empty vessels make most noise.
Italian Proverb
It is a good file that cuts iron without making a noise.
Italian Proverb
The full cask makes no noise.
Italian Proverb
Empty barrel mek de mos' noise.
Jamaican Proverb
It's the empty can that makes the most noise.
Dutch Proverb
One penny in the pot makes more noise than when it is full.
Dutch Proverb
The worst wheel makes most noise.
Dutch Proverb
Much noise from nothing.
Russian Proverb
Debts are like children: the smaller they are the more noise they make.
Spanish Proverb
A blow with a reed makes a noise but hurts not.
Spanish Proverb
The smith's dog sleeps at the noise of the hammer, and wakes at the grinding of teeth.
Spanish Proverb
The deepest waters make the least noise.
Guatemalan Proverb
Empty vessels make much noise.
Kashmir Proverb
You can't blame the axe for the noise made by the chicken you are about to slaughter.
Madagascan Proverb
Clapping with the right hand only will not make a noise.
Malawi Proverb
Along silence followed by mighty noise.
Swahili Proverb