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Tis Proverbs - page 2
'tis a wise child that knows its own father.
Dutch Proverb
‘Tis best woo where a man can see the smoke.
Dutch Proverb
Give at first asking what you safely can; 'tis certain gain to help an honest man.
Dutch Proverb
In eating 'tis good to begin, one morsel helps the other in.
Dutch Proverb
‘Tis day still, while the sun shines.
Dutch Proverb
Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.
Dutch Proverb
‘Tis as necessary to him as gold weights are to a beggar.
Dutch Proverb
'tis a good farthing that saves a penny.
French Proverb
'tis possible if true.
French Proverb
Words are but sands; 'tis money buys lands.
French Proverb
'tis a good horse that has no fault.
French Proverb
'Tis a hard winter when one wolf eats another.
Russian Proverb
Tis wisdom sometimes to seem a fool.
Latin Proverb
'tis the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
Scandinavian Proverb
If in february there be no rain, 'tis neither good for hay nor grain.
Darkovan Proverb
Promises may make friends, but 'tis performances that keep them.
German Proverb
'tis never too late to mend.
German Proverb
'Tis a sorry ass that will not bear his own burden.
Romanian Proverb
Tis better to be a coward than fool-hardie.
French Proverb
'tis a long day a day without bread.
French Proverb
'tis a silly sheep that makes the wolf her confessor.
French Proverb
'tis sweet at certain times to drop the sage.
French Proverb