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Ugly Proverbs - page 3
No woman is ugly when she is dressed.
Spanish Proverb
No mirror ever reflected an ugly woman.
Spanish Proverb
She who loves an ugly man thinks him handsome.
Spanish Proverb
Desire beautifies what is ugly.
Spanish Proverb
You are sure to marry a woman either beautiful or ugly; If ugly she will be a punishment; if beautiful, you will share her with others. Therefore do not marry.
Pakistani Proverb
You are sure to marry a woman either beautiful or ugly.
Pakistani Proverb
If you are ugly, learn how to dance.
Zanzibar Proverb
An excuse is sometime more ugly than a guilt.
Arabic Proverb
In the calmest waters swim the ugliest fish.
Swedish Proverb
If you want a beautiful woman, hurry to Syracuse: if you want her ugly, run to Terranova, go to Rosolini if you want her lazy and to Spaccaforno if you're looking for one to try.
Sicilian Proverb
Never mind ugly buddy I'm not a rose either.
Finnish Proverb
A rich man is never ugly in the eyes of a girl.
French Proverb
There are no beautiful prisons or ugly loved ones.
French Proverb
Neither handsome enough to kill, nor ugly enough to frighten.
Spanish Proverb