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Shadow Proverbs - page 3
No man sees his shadow who faces the sun.
Danish Proverb
From praise, as from a shadow, a man is neither bigger nor smaller.
Danish Proverb
Beware of the dog himself, his shadow does not bite.
Danish Proverb
Every light hath its shadow.
Danish Proverb
Every hair casts its shadow.
Portuguese Proverb
The shadow of a lord is a cap for a fool.
Italian Proverb
When the light is crooked, the shadow is crooked.
Jewish Proverb
No hair so small but has his shadow.
Romanian Proverb
A man cannot jump over his own shadow.
Yiddish Proverb
The reputation of a man is like his shadow; it sometimes follows and sometimes precedes him, it is sometimes longer and sometimes shorter than his natural size.
French Proverb
There is no bush so small but casts its shadow.
French Proverb
The friendship of a great man is like the shadow of a bush -- soon gone.
French Proverb
So the man, so his shadow.
Russian Proverb
Who has never been burned in the sun won't know the value of shadow.
Turkish Proverb
Every hair casts its shadow.
Spanish Proverb
He who has been stung by the scorpion is frightened at its shadow.
Spanish Proverb
Glory is the shadow of virtue.
Latin Proverb
A dog which has been beaten with a stick is afraid of its shadow.
Latin Proverb
The shadow for the substance.
Latin Proverb
Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. (Strauss, 1998)
English Proverb
Let the time pass and the shadow stretchǃ.
Finnish Proverb
The shadow of death is just dawning of life.
Finnish Proverb