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Camel Proverbs - page 3
The camel asking for horns lost also his ears.
English Proverb
Better a handful of dry dates and content therewith than to own the Gate of Peacocks and be kicked in the eye by a broody camel.
Arabic Proverb
Death is a black camel that lies down at every door. Sooner or later you must ride the camel.
Arabic Proverb
He who steals an egg will steal a camel.
Arabic Proverb
Death is a black camel which kneels at every man's gate.
Arabic Proverb
If the camel once get his nose in the tent, his body will follow.
Arabic Proverb
Tie your camel and rely on God.
Arabic Proverb
Trust in Allah, but tie your camel first.
Arabic Proverb
Death is a black camel that lies down at every door.
Arabic Proverb
To go safely through the world you must have the eye of a falcon, the ear of an ass, the face of an ape, the mouth of a pig, the shoulders of a camel, and the legs of a deer. To have "Heard say” is half a lie.
Italian Proverb
To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.
Romanian Proverb
The camel going to seek horns, lost his ears.
Romanian Proverb
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Romanian Proverb
It is easier to make a camel jump a ditch than to make a fool listen to reason.
Kurdish Proverb
Tumbleweed entered the mouth of the lying camel.
Tywa Proverb
Tumbleweed will not enter into the mouth of the lying camel.
Tywa Proverb
The camel stallion grows old, the camel foal grows up.
Tywa Proverb
Death is a black camel that lies down at every door. Sooner or later you must ride the camel.
Turkish Proverb
Death is the black camel that kneels before every door.
Turkish Proverb
Even a mangy camel will carry more that a herd of asses.
Latin Proverb
When a camel falls to the ground, the knives are many.
Iraqi Proverb
When a camel is at the foot of a mountain then judge of his height.
Asian-indian Proverb