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Heavy Proverbs - page 2
Everyone thinks his own cross is heaviest.
Italian Proverb
A heavy shower is soon over.
Italian Proverb
The taller the house, the heavier the storm.
Norwegian Proverb
Of all weights, old age is the heaviest.
Welsh Proverb
A friendly word is better than a heavy cake.
Ukrainian Proverb
Skill is not a heavy load to carry.
Finnish Proverb
Let lie what is too heavy to lift.
Dutch Proverb
Heavy purses and light hearts can sustain much.
Dutch Proverb
Light gains make a heavy purse.
Dutch Proverb
Nothing is such a heavy burden as a secret is.
French Proverb
Do you carry the trough, husband, and I will carry the sieve, which is as heavy as the devil.
Spanish Proverb
An empty knapsack is heavier to carry than a full one.
Serbian Proverb
The hanging fruit is never too heavy for the creeper to bear.
Goan Proverb
A sin that is confessed is less heavy to bear.
Asian-indian Proverb
If you think your bundle of dirty clothes is too heavy, try picking up your neighbor's.
Virgin Islander Proverb
Duty is heavy as a mountain but Death is lighter than a feather.
Japanese Proverb
Wheat stalks heavy with grain learn how to bow their heads.
Chinese Proverb
The door to virtue is heavy and hard to open.
Chinese Proverb
The horns cannot be too heavy for the cow that bears them.
African Proverb
Even drumsticks are heavy on the way home after the dance.
African Proverb
A small debt makes a debtor, a heavy one an enemy.
American Proverb
Authority without wisdom is like a heavy axe without an edge.
American Proverb