Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
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Given Proverbs
When you are given, eat, when you are beaten, run away.
Gypsy Proverb
Because the cat was given no meat, he said it was Friday.
Armenian Proverb
Every man goes down to his death bearing in his hands only that which he has given away.
Persian Proverb
A stone thrown at the right time is better than gold given at the wrong time.
Persian Proverb
Let every one be content with what God has given him.
Portuguese Proverb
Basketeer who makes a basket makes a hundred if he's given line and time.
Portuguese Proverb
Blows are not given upon conditions.
Italian Proverb
Good advice is given, good esteem is not given.
Turkish Proverb
A favor given to man is appreciated by none.
Nicaraguan Proverb
The bone given to you by the king is meat.
Namibian Proverb
Find as much love as was given by your father and mother many times.
Uruguayan Proverb
calf is given, but then thigh is requested.
Malay Proverb
When you have given nothing, ask for nothing.
Albanian Proverb
Long borrowed is not given.
German Proverb
Wisdom is a comb given to a man once he is bald.
Irish Proverb
Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue; to the end we should hear and see more than we speak.
Greek Proverb
Raise what you've given birth to.
Persian Proverb
God has given nuts to some who have no teeth.
Portuguese Proverb
A gift delayed, and long expected, is not given, but sold dear.
Italian Proverb
A gift long expected is sold, not given.
Italian Proverb
A gift long waited for is sold, not given.
Italian Proverb
Sometimes an egg is given for an ox.
Italian Proverb