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Hair Proverbs - page 3
A man combs his hair every morning -- why not his heart?
Chinese Proverb
You cannot stop birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them nesting in your hair.
African Proverb
He who swallows an old man vomits grey hair.
African Proverb
If you see your brother being scalped, put water on your hair.
African Proverb
You can't keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair.
American Proverb
A rag and a bone and a hank of hair.
English Proverb
Take a hair of the dog that has bitten you.
English Proverb
Hair of the dog that bit you.
English Proverb
Beauty draws with a single hair.
Danish Proverb
Hair by hair and the head gets bald.
Danish Proverb
Falseness often lurks beneath fair hair.
Danish Proverb
One hair of a maiden's head pulls harder than ten yoke of oxen.
Danish Proverb
It is easy to work with a good comb, said the devil, when he combed his mother's hair with a pitchfork.
Danish Proverb
A bad hair cut is two people's shame.
Danish Proverb
Every hair casts its shadow.
Portuguese Proverb
The house is burning and Grandma is combing her hair.
Romanian Proverb
No hair so small but has his shadow.
Romanian Proverb
Bush natural; more hair than wit.
Romanian Proverb
All are not maidens that wears bare hair.
Scottish Proverb
Hair, and hair, makes the Carles head bare.
Scottish Proverb
The pubic hair of a woman mounting is stronger than two pairs of ox descending.
Corsican Proverb
One hair from the head of a woman pulls more than a ship's hauser.
Sicilian Proverb