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Hair Proverbs - page 2
All the wool is hair, more or less.
Portuguese Proverb
A dog never bit me but I had some of his hair.
Italian Proverb
A hair of the dog cures the bite.
Italian Proverb
Don't notice the tiny flea in the other person's hair and overlook the lumbering yak on your own nose.
Tibetan Proverb
When a bald man dies the mourners give him curly hair as a present.
Kurdish Proverb
Women have got long hair and short sense.
Maltese Proverb
A single hair hides the mountain in the distance.
Thai Proverb
Often a troll-woman is under fair skin, and virtue under dark hair.
Icelandic Proverb
He that is bitten by a dog must apply some of its hair.
Dutch Proverb
All is well: for if the bride has not fair hair, she has a fair skin.
Dutch Proverb
Sitting with the hands in the hair.
Dutch Proverb
The fox may lose his hair, but not his cunning.
Dutch Proverb
There is no point in combing where there is no hair.
Dutch Proverb
Grey hair into beard, devil into rib.
Russian Proverb
No one is dragged to heaven by the hair.
Russian Proverb
After the head is off, one does not cry over the hair.
Russian Proverb
A woman's tongue is longer than her hair.
Russian Proverb
A hair casts its shadow on the ground.
Spanish Proverb
Wealth is like hair in the nose: it hurts to be separated whether from a little or from a lot.
Madagascan Proverb
Take a hair of the dog that bit you.
Traditional Proverb
No married woman will have her white hair shaved at her mother's.
Bajan Proverb
You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.
Chinese Proverb