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Hair Proverbs
A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a single hair.
Persian Proverb
Judge not the dog by its hair.
Finnish Proverb
I gave so much advice that hair grew on my tongue.
Persian Proverb
Children have a hair of their father.
Belgian Proverb
A bald-headed man will not grow hair by getting excited.
African Congo Proverb
A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.
Irish Proverb
A drowning man takes hold of his own hair.
Greek Proverb
Better wise language than well combed hair.
Icelandic Proverb
A single Russian hair outweighs half a Pole.
Russian Proverb
When a single hair has fallen from your head, you are not yet bald.
Sierra Leonean Proverb
The bald woman boasts of her sister's hair.
Tunisian Proverb
Having grey hair because of old age is not a shame.
Yemeni Proverb
No matter how tall a camel is, it will never get taller than than the hair on its back.
African Proverb
Experience is a comb which fate gives to a man when his hair is all gone.
American Proverb
If the hair was precious, wouldn't grow on the ass.
Arabic Proverb
Even a hair casts its shadow.
German Proverb
Ever one hair, only one, and the man is bald at last.
German Proverb
Misfortune, wood, and hair, grow throughout the year.
German Proverb
That miller is honest who has hair on his teeth.
German Proverb
Fair hair may have foul roots.
German Proverb
How easily a hair gets into the butter!
German Proverb
More hair than tit, like a mountain heifer.
Irish Proverb