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Youth Proverbs - page 2
Who is a piece of stick in youth will be a block of wood in old age.
Estonian Proverb
Who is quick in youth will be diligent in old age.
Estonian Proverb
Youth spent freely, old age spent in poverty.
Sicilian Proverb
Who fails to show restraint in their youth, will be miserable in their old age.
Sicilian Proverb
If you marry you'll suffer in your youth, if you don't marry you'll suffer in your old age.
Sicilian Proverb
The memories of one's youth make for long, long thoughts.
Finnish Proverb
Old canoes can be restored, but youth and beauty cannot.
New Zealander Proverb
Take care of your dress from when it's new and your honor from your youth.
Russian Proverb
Guard your honor from your youth, and your weapons once you've got them in hand.
Russian Proverb
In youth we learn, in old age we understand.
Mexican Proverb
Youth is a folly; maturity, a struggle; old age a remorse.
Mexican Proverb
A man shows in his youth what he will be in his age.
Yugoslav Proverb
Alone a youth runs fast, with an elder slow, but together they go far.
Luo Proverb
Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone.
Moroccan Proverb
The youth walks faster than the elderly but the elderly knows the road.
Nilotic Proverb
A youth that does not cultivate friendship with the elderly is like a tree without roots.
Ntomba Proverb
Youth is intoxication without wine; old age, wine without intoxication.
Peruvian Proverb
The Yangtse never runs backwards; man recaptures not his youth.
Chinese Proverb
Age lasts; youth devours.
American Proverb
Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret.
American Proverb
Where old age is evil, youth can learn no good.
English Proverb
Young people don't know what age is, and old people forget what youth was.
English Proverb