Proverbs around the world
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Change Proverbs - page 2
Change yourself, and your luck will change.
Portuguese Proverb
To change one's habits has a smell of death.
Portuguese Proverb
Blaming your faults on your nature does not change the nature of your faults.
Hindi Proverb
Wise men change their minds, fools never.
Italian Proverb
Time and patience change the mulberry leaf to satin.
Italian Proverb
Only fools are glad when governments change.
Romanian Proverb
If someone sweats for you, you change his shirt.
Haitian Proverb
Easy to change young wood shape than the old one.
Thai Proverb
The leopard does not change his spots.
Hawaiian Proverb
A change of event such as the death of a leader, will lead to other changes.
Indonesian Proverb
Better suffer a known evil than change for uncertain good.
Spanish Proverb
There is no death, only a change of worlds.
Native American Proverb
What is impossible to change is best to forget.
Yugoslav Proverb
It can be impossible to change an established image.
Kashmir Proverb
It doesn't take time to change one's destiny.
Kashmir Proverb
When the music changes, then the rhythm of the dance must change also.
Tuareg Proverb
A person will change his mind on something if left to sleep over it.
Bajan Proverb
A man's shirt does not change the color of his skin.
Styrian Proverb
A good client doesn't change shop in three years, a good shop doesn't change clients in three years.
Chinese Proverb
All things change, and we change with them.
Chinese Proverb
Unles we change direction, we are likely to wind up where we are headed.
Chinese Proverb
Rivers and mountains may change; human nature, never.
Chinese Proverb