Proverbs around the world
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Hot Proverbs - page 3
Never lose heart because whatever is hot must in the end turn cold.
African Proverb
However hot the sun, it will never dry the sea.
African Proverb
Even if you rease your clothes in very hot water you still need to dry them.
African Proverb
A fish will not live out of water but will prefer air to hot water.
African Proverb
A little pot is easily hot.
English Proverb
He goes about it like a cat round hot milk.
German Proverb
Marriage is the opposite to a fever attack; it begins very hot and ends very cold.
German Proverb
Young wood makes a hot fire.
Greek Proverb
Strike while the iron is hot.
Portuguese Proverb
He goes around it like a cat goes around hot mush.
Hungarian Proverb
He whose mouth was once burned by hot mush, blows even at sour milk.
Hungarian Proverb
Soup is not eaten as hot as it is cooked.
Hungarian Proverb
Foul water as soon as fair will quench hot fire.
Romanian Proverb
Walk like the cat around hot porridge.
Swedish Proverb
Cold cools the love that kindles over hot.
Scottish Proverb
Over hot, over cold.
Scottish Proverb
Quhen the iron is hot, it is time to strike.
Scottish Proverb
Ye seek hot water under cold ice.
Scottish Proverb
When the sky looks like a hot oven, if no rain today, rain tomorrow.
Corsican Proverb
Hot broth softens hard bread.
Manx Proverb
Long sleep makes hot rowing.
Scottish Gaelic Proverb
A hot sun with a lot of wind, I go home and I am happy.
Sicilian Proverb