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Name Proverbs - page 4
We have no son, and yet are giving him a name.
Spanish Proverb
Get a name to rise early, and you may lie all day.
Spanish Proverb
The friar who prays in god's name prays for two.
Spanish Proverb
Name not a rope in his house that hanged himself.
Spanish Proverb
You have to suffer in the name of fashion.
Spanish Proverb
Get a good name and go to sleep.
Spanish Proverb
A good name is like sweet smelling ointment.
Latin Proverb
He who hath lost his good name how shall he in future gain his living.
Latin Proverb
Vices creep into our hearts under the name of virtue.
Latin Proverb
Give a dog a bad name and he'll live up to it. (or ...he'll repay you for it.)
English Proverb
The battle-club would not find out your name -- it would just find your flesh.
Sumerian Proverb
A stake, my lord; "hero" is its name.
Sumerian Proverb
A name doesn't make a man worse, if the man doesn't make his name worse.
Finnish Proverb
A good name is the best of all treasures.
French Proverb
Name not a rope in his house who hanged himself.
French Proverb
Life is the name of liveliness.
Pakistani Proverb
There is no name which cannot distinguish a child.
Bajan Proverb
A good name is better than wealth.
African Proverb
A fool's name is seen in many places.
Albanian Proverb
A bad wound is cured, not a bad name.
English Proverb
Не that has an ill name is half hanged.
English Proverb
Whoever knows how to use a pen never adds his own name to the Whoever knows how to use a pen never adds his own name to the "guilty" list.
Arabic Proverb