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Virtue Proverbs
Beauty without virtue is a curse.
Azerbaijani Proverb
Adversity is the touchstone of virtue.
English Proverb
Nothing is comprehensible except by virtue of its edges.
Hindi Proverb
By pride one causes virtue to decline.
Tibetan Proverb
Virtue never goes far without the company of idleness.
Jamaican Proverb
For the ugly vice of begging, there's the virtue of not giving.
Venezuelan Proverb
Adversity is the foundation of virtue.
Japanese Proverb
It is a little thing to starve to death; it is a serious matter to lose one's virtue.
Chinese Proverb
When you enjoy loving your neighbor, it ceases to be a virtue.
Afghan Proverb
Set out wisely at first; custom will make every virtue more easy and pleasant to you than any vice can be.
English Proverb
Beauty may open doors but only virtue enters.
English Proverb
Where there is shame, there is virtue.
German Proverb
There is no virtue in the herb that is not got in time.
Irish Proverb
Patience is a virtue that causes no shame.
Irish Proverb
First secure an independent income, then practice virtue.
Greek Proverb
The excess of a virtue is a vice.
Greek Proverb
To give quickly is a great virtue.
Hindi Proverb
Virtue comes not from chance but long study.
Italian Proverb
The virtue of silence is a great piece of knowledge.
Italian Proverb
Extol the virtue of water, but drink wine.
Czech Proverb
Often a troll-woman is under fair skin, and virtue under dark hair.
Icelandic Proverb
Virtue consists in action.
Dutch Proverb