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Legs Proverbs - page 4
Every sheep will be hanged from its own legs.
Turkish Proverb
Every one stretches his legs according to the length of his coverlet.
Spanish Proverb
Many asses have only two legs.
Latin Proverb
Every one stretcheth his legs according to his coverlet.
English Proverb
The bad head does not give rest to the legs, and the cunning ass does not give rest to the legs, arms, or head.
Russian Proverb
You can't make a hockey team without breaking a few legs.
Canadian Proverb
A fool may have no sense but he has legs.
Cypress Proverb
A lie has short legs.
Czechoslovakian Proverb
Only a fool will use both his legs to test how deep a spring is.
African Proverb
On his last legs.
English Proverb
The belly carries legs.
English Proverb
Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.
English Proverb
Break the legs of an evil custom.
English Proverb
A horse stumbles that has four legs.
English Proverb
Lies have short legs.
German Proverb
For a young man contemplating marriage: That you might have nicer legs than your own under your table before the new spuds are up.
Irish Proverb
Coming back with arms longer than legs.
Persian Proverb
Lies have short legs.
Portuguese Proverb
Who has not understanding, let him have legs.
Romanian Proverb
Everyone stretches his legs according to the length of his coverlet.
Romanian Proverb
What one's head lacks one has to have in one's legs.
Swedish Proverb
Lie has short legs.
Slovenian Proverb