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Bitter Proverbs - page 2
A bitter centipede if eaten in a pleasing berry pie will taste sweet.
Polish Proverb
Vetches seem bitter to the full-cropped pigeon.
Italian Proverb
Thou are a bitter bird, said the raven to the starling.
Swedish Proverb
A cup must be bitter that a smile will not sweeten.
Maltese Proverb
Marriage is a lick of honey and a barrel of bitter.
Maltese Proverb
When the cat's stomach is full, the rat's back is bitter.
Haitian Proverb
Playing with fire will eventually turn bitter.
Welsh Proverb
Too much callaloo, mek peppa-pot stew bitter.
Jamaican Proverb
A mother-in-law made of sugar, still tastes bitter.
Catalan Proverb
There is no bitter crust to a hungry person.
Filipino Proverb
Honey is often bitter.
Sicilian Proverb
Everything tastes bitter to him with gall in his mouth.
Russian Proverb
Even a sugar mother-in-law tastes bitter.
Spanish Proverb
Cactus is bitter only to him who tastes it.
Ethiopian Proverb
The truth is bitter and lies are sweet.
Honduran Proverb
To the satiated bird, cherries taste bitter.
Mexican Proverb
The bitter heart eats its owner.
Bantu Proverb
He who eats bitter things gets sweet things too.
Swahili Proverb
Defeat isn't bitter if you don't swallow it.
Chinese Proverb
Jade and men, both are sharpened by bitter tools.
Chinese Proverb
A bitter heart devours its owner.
African Proverb
Those who master to climb trees with their teeth are in better position to tell which barks are bitter.
African Proverb