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Sin Proverbs - page 4
With a good name one may sin easily.
Dutch Proverb
A sin that is hidden is half forgiven.
French Proverb
The devil rebukes sin.
French Proverb
Nip sin in the bud.
French Proverb
Poverty is not a sin, it's worse than that.
Russian Proverb
To ask is no sin, and to be refused is no calamity.
Russian Proverb
The wages of sin is death.
Spanish Proverb
He who avoids the temptation avoids the sin.
Spanish Proverb
Take away the motive, and the sin is taken away.
Spanish Proverb
Every man's sin falls on his own head.
Latin Proverb
Bat en guet Hake sin well, maut sik bi der Tit krümmen.
Mark Proverb
Ge fàgas clach don làr, is faisge na sin cobhair Choibhi.
Scottish Gaelic Proverb
It's not a sin to be a Savonian, but it's a big shame.
Finnish Proverb
Sin means nothing but the consequences.
Finnish Proverb
It's a sin and shame, if one sweats at working for a stranger.
Finnish Proverb
That which is a sin in others is a virtue in ourselves.
South American Proverb
The first sin makes the bed for the second.
Czechoslovakian Proverb
To be poor is not a sin, it's better to avoid it anyway.
Breton Proverb
It is sin to steal a pin.
English Proverb
That which comes with sin, goes with sorrow.
Danish Proverb
It's not the sin that maddens a person but the desire to do it.
Jewish Proverb
He who sleeps does not sin.
Swedish Proverb