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Sin Proverbs - page 3
Who avoids temptation avoids sin.
American Proverb
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
English Proverb
It is a sin against hospitality to open the doors and shut up the countenance.
English Proverb
It is easier not to commit a sin than to repent it.
Arabic Proverb
Every one finds sin sweet and repentance bitter.
Danish Proverb
It's a sin to steal a pin.
German Proverb
Not to be ashamed of sin is to sin double.
German Proverb
It is not a sin to sell dear, but it is to make ill measure.
Irish Proverb
To be poor is not a sin, it's better to avoid it anyway.
Bengali Proverb
A sin that is confessed is less heavy to bear.
Hindi Proverb
Every one thinks himself without sin because he has not those of others.
Italian Proverb
The just man may sin with an open chest of gold before him.
Italian Proverb
Until a child is one year old it is incapable of sin.
Jewish Proverb
The law grows of sin, and chastises it.
Romanian Proverb
Old sin makes new shame.
Romanian Proverb
It's sin and not poverty that makes men miserable.
Scottish Proverb
It is a sin to lye on the Devil.
Scottish Proverb
Do no evil, it's a sin. Do no good, it's no use.
Corsican Proverb
A deadly sin can't be concealed.
Sicilian Proverb
January commits the sin and May gets blamed.
Sicilian Proverb
Who robs commits a sin, who is robbed commits a hundred.
Sicilian Proverb
Repentance washes away sin.
Sicilian Proverb