Proverbs around the world
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Sin Proverbs
If you really have to sin, then choose a sin that you enjoy.
Persian Proverb
God forgives the sin of gluttony.
Catalan Proverb
If not for fear, sin would be sweet.
Jewish Proverb
"force me, and I shall commit no sin,” said the girl.
German Proverb
One sin is too much, a hundred prayers are not enough.
Persian Proverb
No sin is hidden to the soul.
Hindi Proverb
Commit a sin twice and it will not seem a crime.
Jewish Proverb
He who tells the truth doesn't sin, but he causes many inconveniences.
Cuban Proverb
For a new sin, a new penance.
Venezuelan Proverb
Poverty is no sin, but terribly inconvenient.
Japanese Proverb
Whosoever eats bread without first washing his hands, it is as though he had sinned with a harlot.
Afghan Proverb
He that swims in sin will sink in sorrow.
American Proverb
Sin is the root of much sorrow.
English Proverb
A sin confessed is half forgiven.
English Proverb
It is no sin to sell dear, but a sin to give ill measure.
English Proverb
Beating the dead is a sin.
Arabic Proverb
Without knowledge, without sin.
German Proverb
Idleness is the beginning of all sin.
German Proverb
What is no sin, is no shame.
German Proverb
A sin concealed is half forgiven.
Italian Proverb
He who thinks badly commits a sin but hits the mark.
Italian Proverb
A hidden sin is half forgiven.
Italian Proverb