Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
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Days Proverbs - page 4
Every wonder lasts three days.
Hungarian Proverb
Fish and guests stink after three days.
Romanian Proverb
Fresh fish and new-come guests smell in three days.
Romanian Proverb
All days' evening is not come.
Swedish Proverb
The law is three days older than the earth.
Estonian Proverb
The poor and wretched man has long days.
Sicilian Proverb
There isn't a Holy Week without the fifty days, nor the fifty days without the Sirocco.
Sicilian Proverb
Whoso is tired of happy days, let him take a wife.
Dutch Proverb
He is so wise, that he goes upon the ice three days before it freezes.
Dutch Proverb
He was born upon St. Galtpert's night, three days before luck.
Dutch Proverb
He who marries for love has good nights and bad days.
French Proverb
Long talk makes short days.
French Proverb
A guest and a fish after three days are poison.
French Proverb
They made the garlic a bride, its smell did not come out for forty days.
Turkish Proverb
A guest and a fish stink in three days.
Spanish Proverb
Any home not built for hot days or rains is not a home.
Jewish Proverb
Although the number of unhappy days is endless, yet life is better than death.
Sumerian Proverb
He wha marries for love without money, has merry nights and surry days.
Scottish Proverb
A fool has many days.
Mozambican Proverb
Do not cease to drink beer, to eat, to intoxicate thyself, to make love, and to celebrate the good days.
Traditional Proverb
Drunken days have their tomorrow.
Albanian Proverb
Some days you get the bear, other days the bear gets you.
English Proverb