Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
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Days Proverbs - page 3
You warm up something for ten days and it goes cold in one.
Japanese Proverb
There is no flower that remains red for ten days, and no power that lasts for ten years.
Japanese Proverb
A day of reading is a day of gain; a day without reading is ten days of loss.
Chinese Proverb
Yesterday, today and tomorrow -- these are the three days of man.
Chinese Proverb
The evening crowns the days.
Chinese Proverb
It takes three years to learn to be a man of integrity; it only takes three days to degrade.
Chinese Proverb
To learn what is good, a thousand days are not sufficient; to learn what is evil, an hour is too long.
Chinese Proverb
The loss of one night's sleep is followed by ten days of inconvenience.
Chinese Proverb
You don't become an expert in five days.
African Proverb
Dark days and storms heighten the appreciation of sunshine.
American Proverb
Fish and visitors smell after three days.
American Proverb
Drunken days have their tomorrow.
American Proverb
Fish and visitors smell in three days.
English Proverb
days are countries.
Arabic Proverb
Life is made of two days. One which is sweet and the other is bitter.
Arabic Proverb
The white penny will become useful in your dark days.
Arabic Proverb
Fish and guests smell at three days old.
Danish Proverb
For the diligent, a week has seven days; for the slothful, seven tomorrows.
German Proverb
A guest and a fish stink in three days.
Portuguese Proverb
The person who has many faults is usually the first to criticize others. Put something off for one day, and ten days will pass.
Korean Proverb
Put something off for one day, and ten days will pass.
Korean Proverb
After three days the place of the guest is behind the door outside.
Hungarian Proverb