Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
Top proverbs
Days Proverbs - page 2
Fish and guests smell when they are three days old.
Hindi Proverb
A new broom is good for three days.
Italian Proverb
No wonder lasts more than three days.
Italian Proverb
A guest and a fish stink in three days.
Italian Proverb
The wedding lasts for two or three days, but the trouble stays longer.
Czech Proverb
Put off for one day and ten days will pass by.
Korean Proverb
Even the most welcome guest is more than enough for three days.
Hungarian Proverb
Better one day a man than ten days a woman.
Kurdish Proverb
A person is a guest for one or two days, but becomes an intruder on the third.
Nigerian Proverb
When peaches flower and ripen, days and nights have the same length.
Corsican Proverb
When pisa burned, it rained three nights and three days.
Corsican Proverb
Strong legs are needed to carry good days.
Icelandic Proverb
On Saint Candelora day, if it's snowing or raining, there'll be another forty days of winter.
Sicilian Proverb
Better reap two days too soon than one too late.
Dutch Proverb
Men can bear all things except good days.
Dutch Proverb
Better reap two days early than one day late.
Dutch Proverb
Many seek good nights and waste good days.
Dutch Proverb
Seven days is the length of a guest's life.
Myanmar Proverb
Fish and guests smell in three days.
Traditional Proverb
St. Swithin's Day, if thou dost rain, for forty days it will remain; St. Swithin's Day, if thou be fair, for forty days 'twill rain no more.
Traditional Proverb
No wonder lasts over three days.
Traditional Proverb
Treat your guest as a guest for two days; on the third day, give him a hoe.
Swahili Proverb