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Husband Proverbs - page 2
A rakish bachelor makes a jealous husband.
Italian Proverb
It is better to have a husband without love than jealous.
Italian Proverb
If the wife sins, the husband is not innocent.
Italian Proverb
It's natural to have some disagreement between husband and wife.
Hungarian Proverb
Complain about the house where the husband is the wife.
Romanian Proverb
When the husband is a hen and the wife is a cock, the house is topsy-turvy.
Maltese Proverb
A wife's advice is not worth much, but woe to the husband who refuses to take it.
Welsh Proverb
Show me your wife and I will tell you what kind of a husband she has.
Catalan Proverb
I can get another husband but never another brother.
Corsican Proverb
A wise husband and a patient wife equal a peaceful home and a happy life.
Dutch Proverb
Call your husband cuckold in jest, an he'll never suspect you.
Turkish Proverb
Do you carry the trough, husband, and I will carry the sieve, which is as heavy as the devil.
Spanish Proverb
The mother keeps on caring for her daughter while the daughter keeps on craving for her husband.
Kashmir Proverb
Who is the happiest person in the world? An unfaithful husband.
Asian-indian Proverb
A husband and wife often fight intensely at one moment and then kiss intensely at the next moment.
Taiwanese Proverb
A husband of a mother is a father.
Swahili Proverb
A girl receives, a widow takes her husband.
Chinese Proverb
The woman who deceives her husband makes her lover swear never to be unfaithful to her.
Chinese Proverb
Differences between husband and wife should not be aired in the marketplace.
African Proverb
What our husband says is what we also say.
African Proverb
A marketplace is not the pace for a husband and wife to argue.
African Proverb
A donkey's husband can protect it from a hyena.
African Proverb