Proverbs around the world
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Husband Proverbs
A good son makes a good husband.
American Proverb
Take care of your pennies and your dollars will take care of your widow's next husband.
American Proverb
Do not stay too long when the husband is not home.
Japanese Proverb
Polygamy makes a husband a double-tongued man.
Kiganda Proverb
The husband is always the last to know.
Kiganda Proverb
A woman is a flower in a garden; her husband is the fence around it.
Ghana Proverb
The wife carries the husband on her face; the husband carries the wife on his clothes.
Bulgarian Proverb
it is nothing - they are only thrashing my husband.
Portuguese Proverb
Between husband and wife, one doesn't put the spoon.
Portuguese Proverb
When husband and wife live in harmony, they can dry up the ocean without a bucket.
Vietnamese Proverb
The wife cries before the wedding, the husband after.
Luxembourgish Proverb
The woman who does not covet the possessions of her husband is in love with another man.
Egyptian Proverb
Widows weep but they look for another husband.
South American Proverb
A woman's clothes are the price her husband pays for peace.
Bantu Proverb
Don't stay long when the husband is not at home.
Japanese Proverb
It is the wife who knows her husband.
Ghana Proverb
The woman who takes a wolf for a husband is always looking into the wood.
Basque Proverb
If your husband has many wives, the only sure way for him into you're the bedroom is through a delicious meal.
African Proverb
He is an ill husband who is not missed.
English Proverb
The woman who loves her husband corrects his faults; the man that loves his wife exaggerates them.
Armenian Proverb
Rather a husband with one eye than with one son.
Portuguese Proverb
It is nothing, they are only killing my husband.
Portuguese Proverb