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Snake Proverbs - page 4
Shall we kill a snake and carry it in our hand when we have a bag for putting long things in?
African Proverb
He who doesn't know how a snake smells shouldn't walk into the forest.
African Proverb
He who has been bitten by a snake is scared of a rope on the ground.
Arabic Proverb
A kind word can attract even the snake from his nest.
Arabic Proverb
More vicious than a snake.
Arabic Proverb
If you want to kill a snake, chop off its head.
Arabic Proverb
One who's been bitten by a snake is afraid of a black-and-white rope.
Persian Proverb
He shouts snake and frog at somebody.
Hungarian Proverb
Snake in the grass.
Romanian Proverb
Don't tread on the tail of a sleeping snake.
Turkish Proverb
If you fall in a river hang on to a snake.
Turkish Proverb
Kind words will get a snake out of its hole.
Turkish Proverb
Who falls into the sea will take hold even of a snake.
Turkish Proverb
When you see a snake, never mind where he came from.
Turkish Proverb
A snake lies concealed in the grass.
Latin Proverb
Fattening frog for snake.
Bahamian Proverb
If a rich man eats a snake people say, "This is wisdom!" If a poor man eats a snake people say, "This is folly!"
Lebanese Proverb
Shall we kill a snake and carry it in our hand when we have a bag for putting long things in?
Ibo Proverb
A remote stick does not kill a snake.
Swahili Proverb
When the snake is in the house, one need not discuss the matter at length.
African Proverb
A weapon that you don't have in your hand will not kill a snake. Looking for something can get in the way of finding it.
African Proverb
An empty hand doesn't kill a snake.
African Proverb