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Snake Proverbs - page 2
When a snake gets warm on ice, then a German will wish well to a Czech.
English Proverb
He who has been bitten by a snake is afraid of an eel.
Danish Proverb
Embrace the snake and it will bite you.
Bulgarian Proverb
Don't trouble a quiet snake.
Greek Proverb
If a rich man ate a snake, they would say it was because of his wisdom.
Portuguese Proverb
A dog bitten by a snake is afraid of sausages.
Portuguese Proverb
A dog that has been bitten by a snake, fears the sausage.
Portuguese Proverb
Even if fed milk, a snake will still emit poison.
Hindi Proverb
The snake bites the tamer first.
Romanian Proverb
It is the snake that smells the rat.
South African Proverb
Warm a frozen snake and it will be the first to bite you.
Russian Proverb
The snake that seduced Eve spoke Spanish.
Spanish Proverb
Only the snake looks at its slayer.
Samoan Proverb
Snake at your feet – a stick at your hand.
Ethiopian Proverb
Restless feet may walk into a snake pit.
Ethiopian Proverb
Although the snake does not fly, it has caught the hornbill, whose home is in the sky.
Akan Proverb
A snake that swallows his friend will have a tail sticking out of his mouth.
Ibo Proverb
It is the grass that knows where the snake goes.
Lamba Proverb
The venemous snake cannot be seen in the savannah.
Niliotic Proverb
Do not whirl a snake in the air when you have killed it; the ones which remain in their holes see you.
Tongan Proverb
It is the grass that knows where the snake goes.
Bantu Proverb
The mouse says: I dig a hole without a hoe; the snake says: I climb a tree without arms.
Basonge Proverb