Proverbs around the world
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Call Proverbs - page 4
The crocodile does not die under the water so that we can call the monkey to celebrate its funeral.
Nigerian Proverb
It is he who has no place to call at that moves fast through life.
Nigerian Proverb
Enjoy yourself, for there is nothing in the world we can call our own.
Maltese Proverb
Don't call a man who has a field in valgonu "poor”.
Corsican Proverb
On april 8th, the cuckoo's call must be heard.
Corsican Proverb
When you have brains to go along with your wealth you can call yourself happy and content.
Sicilian Proverb
Don't call a man honest just because he never had the chance to steal.
Yiddish Proverb
Who has no intention to pray has no ears for the call to prayer.
Turkish Proverb
Where there are no sheep, they call the goat princess.
Turkish Proverb
Call not a surgeon before you are wounded.
Spanish Proverb
Tell your affairs in the market-place, and one will call them black and another white.
Spanish Proverb
He who has a son grown up should not call another a thief.
Spanish Proverb
Call me not olive before you see me gathered.
Spanish Proverb
That country will I call mine which supports me, not that which gave me birth.
Latin Proverb
No man can call again yesterday.
Latin Proverb
When they wish to eat a vulture, they call it a guinea fowl.
Ethiopian Proverb
Should you ever call your husband 'appā,' however much you may like him?
Tamil Proverb
The crocodile does not die under the water so that we can call the monkey to celebrate its funeral.
Akan Proverb
Do not call to a dog with a whip in your hand.
Sudanese Proverb
Don't call the alligator "big-mouth" till you have crossed the river.
Creole Proverb
If my grandma had balls I'd call her granddad.
Cypress Proverb
Difficult tasks call for strong men.
African Proverb